There's someone we'd like you to meet. His name is Jesus.

Just to be clear: knowing about or believing in Jesus is not a prerequisite for you to attend Mountainview Church. But you're going to hear about Him because He's central to the hope and joy that the people here experience.

When He does introduce Himself to you, there's a good chance that hope and joy will start to grow in your life, too.

We start with the Gospel.

The end of the Gospel story is the beginning of our faith-in-action story. It's all there in the last few verses of Matthew, found in the Bible, where Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them what He has taught us.

It is this Great Commission that ignites our passion and gets us up on our feet to reach out with open arms to those who need Him.


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  • Our services begin on time, lasting about 65 minutes, but you can come and go as you feel comfortable.

  • We're located at 2060 2nd Ave., Whitehorse. Parking is available on both sides of the building and across the street in the Government of Yukon parking lot.

  • As a registered charity, we do ask for donations as part of our gatherings. However, these giving opportunities are primarily for those who have committed to the mission and vision of Mountainview Church.


    We know we have the promise of eternal life. We want to do everything we can to secure the salvation of those within our reach.

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    This drives everything we do, and how we do it. It's the way we transform our internal faith into external action.

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    When we're authentic in our faith - accepting ourselves and others as imperfect people - we earn trust and serve together.

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