This six-part sermon series, "The Newborn King," explores the theme of Jesus Christ as our King, aligning with the traditional Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. The series continues with a special Christmas Eve service and concludes with a Sabbath Sunday of reflective rest. Each sermon connects these themes to Scripture, highlighting Jesus as the King who fulfills God’s promises. It all culminates in the celebration of Christ’s birth and kingship, guiding the congregation to reflect on His reign and anticipate His return as our sovereign King.
Part 1 - Hope Fulfilled (Dec 1) ✨
Isaiah’s prophecy foretold the coming of a child who would bring justice, righteousness, and eternal hope. Jesus fulfills this promise and brings hope to all who trust in Him.
Part 2 - Prince of Peace (Dec 8) 🕊️
Micah foretold the birth of a King from Bethlehem who would shepherd His people with care and guidance. Jesus fulfills this promise by bringing true peace to a broken and troubled world.
Part 3 - Joy Overflowing (Dec 15) 🎶
Psalm 47 calls us to rejoice in the Lord, just as John leapt for joy in his mother’s womb and Mary magnified God’s goodness in her song. Jesus brings unshakable joy to all who trust Him.
Part 4 - Love of God (Dec 22) ❤️
Isaiah reveals the depth of God’s love, fully expressed through Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice to redeem us. Jesus gave His life for many, demonstrating the power of His kingship and love.
Part 5 - The Newborn King (Christmas Eve, Dec 24) 🌟🎁
Isaiah prophesied the birth of Immanuel, fulfilled in the humble birth of Jesus Christ. His arrival marks the coming of the King, whose majesty and humility inspire awe and worship.
Part 6 - Sabbath Sunday (Communion, Dec 29) 🍞🍷
Gather in your home with family and friends to watch a concluding online video message. Take a day of rest after the busy holiday season, reflecting on the Lamb of God’s kingship and sacrifice.