We offer a unique children's program designed by the Life.Church Open Network that can be adjusted based on how your family chooses to gather, either physically or digitally. Feel free to check out this weeks' content, including downloadable video-lessons and printable activities for our Explorers & Scramblers (Toddler & Preschool), Campers (Elementary), and Climbers (Junior Youth). Scroll to the bottom of this page for a quick explanation of each group.
During Our Physical Gatherings:
- During our Sunday gatherings at 9:30 or 11:00 AM, parents sign-in their children, and are given an ID tag that coincides with their child's name tag. (This ID tag is then submitted when the child is signed out.)
- Occasionally, we offer a parent-led space, perfect for parents who want to learn how to teach their children about Jesus and the Bible, and bring discipleship into the home.
- Please note that we encourage all parents to serve at least once each month, to aid in the care and discipleship of all our children. There are roles available To get started, click HERE to complete our Volunteer Application.
Mountainview Church is a Plan To Protect certified organization.
Request a copy of our Child Protection Policy.