Quarterly Pastoral Report

Jeremy Norton, Lead Pastor (July 1st, 2024)

The Past 3 Months (Spring 2023)

Sermon Series: Over the past three months, we walked through three important sermon series. In April, we started with the "Ever Wonder Why?" series, addressing fundamental questions about our faith; "Why Baptism?" based on Matthew 3:13-17, followed by "Why Child Dedication?" using Luke 2:22-24, which coincided with IMPACT Conference week. During Fellowship Sunday, we explored "Why Fellowship?" through Acts 2:42-47, featuring a video sermon by David Horita, while I served in Basecamp. To conclude the series, "Why Membership?", based on Acts 2:41-47, which also included a meaningful Communion service.

In May, we transitioned to a new series titled "REBIRTH: The Journey to New Life," focusing on the transformative power of being born again. The series began with Pastor Aaron preaching "Truly, Truly, Unless One Is Born Again" from John 3:1-3, as I was recovering from surgery. The following sermons, "Truly, Truly, Unless One Is Born of Water and the Spirit" (John 3:4-8) and "Truly, Truly, We Speak of What We Know" (John 3:9-15), were delivered via video by me and Pastor Herber, respectively, while I continued my recovery. The series concluded with "And This Is the Judgement" from John 3:16-21, which I was able to preach in person.

Following “REBIRTH” we transitioned into our "REDEEMED” series based on “The Colossian Letter". We began with "Redeemed in Christ" from Colossians 1:13-14, which was also the launch of our Filipino Gathering. This was followed by "The Fullness of Redemption" from Colossians 2:13-14, and "Living as Redeemed" from Colossians 3:1-2, the latter of which I delivered via video on Father’s Day while serving in Basecamp. The series concluded with "Redemption in Relationships" based on Colossians 4:6. Finally, to end the month, on June 30th, we celebrated a special family-friendly service for Canada Day, where Pastor Herber delivered a sermon on the theme of “Freedom”.

Ministry Highlights: Elijah has transitioned from Pastoral Apprentice with Mountainview to Lead Pastor with Kimberley Fellowship in BC. This marked a significant shift in our youth and outreach ministries. Although we have a strong team of youth workers and we always have volunteers for outreach projects, we will need new leadership for Junior and Senior Youth, and Outreach Ministry this fall. With Elijah’s departure, his wife, Liz, also moved on. Thankfully, we have successfully transitioned Kim Rendell into the Office Admin position. While there is still a steep learning curve, Kim has been managing weekly and monthly tasks efficiently!

In April, our pastoral team and wives attended the IMPACT Fellowship Regional Conference in Penticton. Nicole and I also took a short retreat before the conference began, which was a refreshing time for us. The launch of our Filipino Gathering under Pastor Byron was a success, and it continues as a vibrant, smaller congregation.

Leadership Notes

Board: The Board continues to face challenges, with the need for a Chair and Vice Chair remaining unmet. However, we are thrilled to have Katharina back this summer, following her sabbatical. We have a strong pastoral (teaching elder) team on the Board, but we need additional lay elders to balance our team. Board training has paused, with plans to regroup in the fall with potential new members.

Ministry Team: Slowly but surely, we’re continuing to work through “Lead Like IT Matters” by Pastor Craig Groeschel during our monthly Prayer & Training sessions. Then we also meet once a month for Prayer & Planning. Aaron expressed his desire to stay with Mountainview, and we are fortunate to have the funds to keep him on until the end of 2024, thanks to Elijah’s early transition. Lord willing, giving will increase through this year and we will have the funds to keep Aaron on through 2025 as well.

Emma will be leaving for Film School this fall, which leaves a gap in our video/media team. Jude Norton, who has been a volunteer in tech for three years, has been hired as a summer intern to learn from Emma. Emma will oversee digital tasks, while Jude will handle filming, lighting, and production. Carl continues to cover Toan’s sabbatical from audio tech and will continue serving the Filipino gathering once Toan returns.

I have been convicted in this past season, regarding our camaraderie as a leadership team, stemming from “Lead Like IT Matter” content. So, our entire leadership team (ministry team and board) enjoyed our first annual mini-golf tournament, which was a success in fostering friendship without the focus on ministry plans and projects. The plan is to host quarterly events centred on uniting our team as friends, and not just ministry workers.

Mentorship / Apprenticeship: These two leadership development groups continue to be a massive encouragement to me. I love listening to their stories about life and ministry, their insights on the material we are working through, and seeing their passage for the Church. We continue to work through Pastor Groeschel’s “Lead Like IT Matters” leadership principles. My surgery in May and a subsequent infection disrupted our spring mentor/apprentice season and consistency. Now, I will be heading out for vacation, then study leave, which adds further inconsistency, which is a discouragement for me. Nevertheless, we are working to regain some momentum and hope to end strong!

The Next 3 Months (Summer 2024)

Sermon Series: Aaron will be preaching a series titled "The Story of the Gospel" throughout July while I am on vacation and study leave. In August and September, I’ll be back to lead a series titled "The Battle: How to M.A.S.T.E.R. Temptation", covering topics such as "Monitoring the Nouns," "Accountability with a Mentor," "Strengthening Through Scripture and Prayer," "Training Your Mind," "Establishing Boundaries," and "Running from Temptation."

Upcoming Events: September will feature three special Sunday events: The first, is a visit from Steve Jones, our National Fellowship President and Doug Blair, our National Fellowship Chair. That Sunday is also a milestone for me, as it will be my 10-year pastoral anniversary with our church. The next Sunday will feature the "See, Hear, Love" Women's Ministry Lead, Melinda Estabrooks, sharing her story following the “You Belong” Women’s Mini-Conference happening that weekend. For the final Sunday in September, Pastor Herber will lead us in a 5th Sunday Family Day focused on Truth.

Prayer Requests: I am taking a break from my studies this summer to celebrate my parents' 50th anniversary, followed by a trip to Alaska for a study retreat and to serve at the Fusion Alaska Youth Conference. Pray that I’m able to reengage in my Master’s work this Fall. Despite the changes in our youth ministry, we have managed to assemble a group of adult chaperones to accompany our students to the Fusion conference. Please pray for safe travels, meaningful connection time for our students and chaperones, and fruitful ministry during the conference as students hear and Lord willing, respond to the Gospel.

Additionally, please pray for:

  • Elijah as he continues his transition to his new role as Lead Pastor at Kimberley Fellowship, and for our church as we seek new leadership for our youth and outreach ministries this fall.
  • Kim as she continues to settle into her role as Office Admin, that she may adapt quickly and effectively to the new responsibilities.
  • Our Filipino Gathering under Pastor Byron, that it continues to grow and flourish.
  • Emma and Jude as they transition roles in our video/media team, that they may work together seamlessly and that Jude may quickly gain the necessary skills.
  • The mentorship and church leader apprenticeship teams, that we regain consistency and end the year spiritually strong despite recent disruptions.
  • Our Board, that we find a suitable Chair and Vice Chair to lead us forward, that they might also serve lay-elders to balance our team.

Your prayers are a source of strength and encouragement as we navigate these changes and opportunities. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our objective to reach Whitehorse with the Gospel.


Jeremy Norton, Lead Pastor

Mountainview Church, Whitehorse, YT